About Cashmika

cashmika was born in New York in 2003 .
Designer Mika Onoda reflects her Global style and Spirit, she interweave with
high quality cashmere with a playful mind.
It’s a “Simple and Luxurious” brand of cashmere.
〜Cashmika for your Happiness〜
The “Simple and Elegant” style
Extremely light and soft hand feel with gentle warmth.
Sophiscated silhouette and subtle details.
We would like to offer excellent daily experiences
for someone with selective taste who likes fine quality.
cashmika contribute loyalty to our products and we are wishing you to spend a
delightful days through our extremely comfortable and high quality cashmere products.

With its graceful quality, cashmika cashmere is a true embodiment of an organic fabric.
Organic cashmere is perhaps the most exquisite fiber for clothing.
Taken directly from Mongolian Hircus goats that roam the endless plains, cashmika uses a pure natural fiber.

The journey from semi wild goat in Nomadic life settings to elaborately finished organic
product is something absolutely extraordinary.
Please contact the below email address if you have any interests or questions.
